Your Hero’s Journey

“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.”

– Joseph Campbell

The process of learning and growth through travel that we so wholeheartedly believe in at Explorer X is inspired in large part by the work of Joseph Campbell and his concept of the ‘Hero’s Journey.’ Well, when we travel, there is always the opportunity to go on two different but equally important and equally powerful Journeys: The Adventure itself (what we often refer to as the ‘Outer Journey’) and the process of learning and growth that comes with/from travel (the ‘Inner Journey’). Together, we refer to these as ‘Your Hero’s Journey.’



In the Outer Journey, we travel to distant lands, meet fascinating people, have mouthwatering meals, and create memories that can last a lifetime. The Outer Journey is incredibly exciting and fun. But if we truly want to make the most of our time away from home, we need to go on another type of Journey ...



The Inner Journey is the process of learning and growth that we experience as we travel. When we are curious, courageous, open-minded, and reflect on our experiences, we see ourselves and the world differently. Those new perspectives inspire us to create positive change in our lives and in the world.


While the Outer Journey offers extraordinary experiences and provides the framework for our adventures, the Inner Journey is where the true opportunities for learning and growth lie. What is our reward for having the courage to go on this Heroic Journey (both Outer and Inner)? Wisdom. Knowledge. Clarity. New perspectives. And the courage, confidence, and inspiration to live life on our own terms and make a positive impact on those around us.



In addition to working with you on designing the perfect Outer Journey travel experiences for you (you can learn more about how we plan our extraordinary adventures here), we also offer guidance and support as you embark on your Inner Journey of travel. At the link below, you can find some of the ways we work with our travelers to help them embark on their Hero’s Journey and make the most of their adventures.