The Inner Journey: 5 Before You Travel Questions

By Michael Bennett, Ed.D.

For those of you about to head out on your next great adventure — whether you worked with Explorer X on planning it or not! — we invite/challenge you to answer the questions below as a way to mark the official beginning of your Journey. These questions have been handpicked by Explorer X to guide you as you embark on your Inner and Outer Journeys of travel. Our recommendation? Grab a journal and dive in. If you are feeling courageous, share your answers with a loved one and/or a travel companion, and invite them to share their responses with you, too.

Note: If you are traveling as a couple or family, consider answering these questions twice: Once as individuals and again as a couple/family.

1. Why are you going on this Journey? What is your ‘Call to Adventure’?

Is there anything going on in your life right now that is calling you to travel now? Perhaps an impending (or recent) transition at work or in your personal relationships? An internal feeling of misalignment, frustration, or confusion? Or perhaps you are simply someone who always learns and grows from travel and you’re ready for your next great adventure? Even if you don’t have anything specific you are thinking through or working on right now in your life, take time to consider the questions above.

2. What is your intention for this Journey? What would you like to get out of this experience?

To borrow a phrase from Stephen Covey: Begin with the end in mind. What do you want to have, think, or feel at the end of this trip that you don’t have, think, or feel now? Taking time to set an intention and/or think about a desired outcome(s) can set in motion a cascade of events and experiences that otherwise would not have happened. A little intention can lead to a big impact.

Reminder: Being intentional does NOT mean you have to be intense! Your intention can be to play more, to find your creative spirit again, or to find time for mindfulness and relaxation.

3. What questions, opportunities, and/or challenges would you love clarity around?

Is there a question that has been keeping you up at night? Or maybe there is an opportunity or challenge that you have been presented with? Make time before you set out on this journey to identify any questions, opportunities, and/or challenges that you would love answers to or clarity on during this upcoming adventure … and then be sure to take time to ponder all of this on your Journey.

4. What will you DO to make the most of this Journey?

Identify 2–3 simple but powerful actions you can commit to taking while you travel that will give you the best chance of not only having an extraordinary travel experience, but a meaningful and impactful one, as well. Some of our favs? Taking a ‘Mindful Moment’ and putting all phones away at meals.

5. How are you going to BE on this Journey?

How do you want to be on this Journey that will help you get to your desired outcome? In other words, what mindsets and/or attitudes will you embody while you travel? How will you show up on this trip? See if you can describe your ‘ways of being’ on this trip in 3 words (ex: Calm, relaxed, playful, present, etc.).

An invitation: Set a mantra for this trip. A mantra literally means ‘tool of the mind’ in Sanskrit and is any word or phrase that helps keep you grounded and centered when things get a little crazy, whether you are traveling or at home. Some of our favorite mantras? Breathe. Thank you. I got this. I am a HERO.

Speaking from personal experience and hearing from our travelers, we can assure you: The more effort and energy you put into your Journey now, the more you’ll get out of it. If you have any questions or need additional guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Explorer X team!

Heroically – Michael

Michael Bennett