The Gifts of the Unknown

Fear is simply excitement without breath. – Fritz Perls

Everyone hits a point in their life where everything feels predictable. The workdays go by like clockwork, the weekends are spent hitting up the same spots, the same hikes, and the same conversations … escaping the predictability seems almost impossible. How does one go about breaking the monotonous cycle?

Enter Destination: Unknown.

Destination: Unknown adventures are epic experiences handcrafted by our seasoned travel designers. The catch? You won’t know where you are going and/or what you are going to do there until your day of departure!

Like every trip we plan for you, you’ll get an epic adventure that has a profound impact on your life, all planned by an expert travel designer who helps make the process stress-free and fun. Of course, this kind of travel is not for everyone. But for those who are bold enough to venture into the Unknown, some unique gifts await.

1. The Excitement of the Unknown

When booking a Destination: Unknown adventure, the excitement is palpable. There is a buzz in the air. The energy grows as the trip nears: Where are we going? What are we going to do there? There is, as Joseph Campbell once quipped, “the feeling of being alive” that many of us are missing in our day-to-day lives. What a gift!

Hands down, our favorite part was the anticipation without the anxiety – we didn’t stress about picking the destination, the logistics, finding the right places to stay, ensuring we were making the most of what our destination had to offer, or worrying about how long our flights may be. Words will never do that excitement and thrill justice!

–Greta & Zach

2. More Time for the Inner Journey

When you don’t know where you’re going, your pre-trip focus shifts from the outer journey of trip details to the inner journey of mindful travel. No longer consumed about the details of the destination, you can spend your weeks/months prior diving into the inner journey toolkit! This might look like reflecting on your intentions for this trip, and how you’re going to show up. And when you finally do arrive, but you don’t know what’s going to happen next, it really helps you to become more present and aware and what’s happening in front of you.

This was not a trip that was meant to be comfortable or restful the entire time; rather it was a chance to truly step into the unknown, face new experiences every day, and plug back into myself. 


3. Letting Go of Expectations > Focus on Being Present

When you pour a lot of time, energy, and resources into planning your own trip, you come away with a heavy burden of beliefs about how those experiences should play out. But when you enter into an experience with zero expectations, you can tap into that spirit of adventure and exploration that is so easily lost when we know what’s coming down the pipeline. Spontaneous, unplanned moments are often the ones that bring us the most joy! For the overthinkers of the world, this right here is a true gift.

Imagine going on an adventure but you have no idea where you are going! Imagine that each and every day is going to be a surprise full of new activities. Imagine not worrying about how and when you will get to each event. Imagine meeting a local artisan and learning his craft, hiking to 5000 ft and sleeping in a chalet on top of the world only to paraglide down over a lake and mountains, picnicking in a vineyard, and seeing views beyond what you would ever expect. This was our Destination: Unknown adventure.

–Christine & Paul

It takes a special kind of traveler to step beyond the boundaries of a ‘normal’ travel experience and into a D:U adventure: An insatiable curiosity about the world; a true spirit of adventure; a passion for connecting with new people, places, cultures, ideas, and perspectives; a dedication to life-long learning and growth; and a commitment to making a positive impact in the world.

Are you ready to step into the Unknown?

Michael Bennett