Mindful Travel

At Explorer X, our approach to travel is simple …

When We Travel Better, We Live Better.

At Explorer X, we believe that when we travel more mindfully, our experiences can inspire us to change our own lives and empower us to create positive change in the world around us. To support you on this Mindful Travel Journey, we not only design an epic travel experience for you but also provide you with a series of carefully curated tools and resources that help catalyze learning, growth, and change.

Whether you are going on a Custom Travel Experience or a Destination: Unknown Adventure, we’ll encourage and support you as you …

Prepare for the Journey

Taking time to learn more about your destination — the language, the history, the cultural nuances, the arts — before you head out can open up opportunities for more meaningful engagement and deeper conversations while you explore. We’ll provide you with a series of resources to help you prepare for your Journey:

+ A free language class (for most non-English speaking destinations)
+ Recommendations for books to read, movies to watch, etc.
+ A country guide with practical information: Weather, currency, etc.
+ Links to articles and other online resources for your destination

Use The Travel Better 👉 Live Better Toolkit & Guide

As your travel experience gets closer, The Travel Better 👉 Live Better Toolkit & Guide will be your go-to for preparing for the Journey ahead. This toolkit is a carefully curated collection of materials designed to guide you in making the most of your adventures.

+ Our best practices for Mindful Travel
+ Info on what it means to ‘Travel like a Hero’
+ Articles, poems, and other readings to inspire you
+ Tools for helping you to prepare for your Inner Journey
+ A list of reflection questions and exciting challenges
+ Resources for taking actions when you get home

While many people choose to go through the TBLB Toolkit on their own, your Travel Designer is always available if you have any questions or want to talk through anything before you head out on your Journey!


Travel Mindfully: Slow Down

To truly explore, we must first slow down. Speed is, after all, the enemy of attention. Our itineraries are meticulously crafted yet allow time for the surprisingly unpredictable. Let your senses guide you. Wander and explore with curiosity. Allow the spontaneity of the adventure to unfold. And discover something less scripted but, perhaps, more true.


Travel Mindfully: Immerse & Connect

As you explore with us, we’ll connect you with the people, places, and experiences that truly bring a destination to life: A cooking class with an award-winning chef, a private walking tour with a local historian, a craft workshop with a local artisan, and small, local, charming accommodations all give our trips a warm and intimate yet sophisticated feel.

Travel Mindfully: Travel like a HERO

As you explore, remember to travel like a HERO:

 Humble: Be mindful and respectful; you are a guest in another land
Engaged: Practice curiosity, push your comfort zones, challenge yourself
– Resilient: Going with the flow, knowing everything isn’t going to be perfect
Open-Minded: To the people, ideas, beliefs that you encounter along the way

(Shout out to the Transformational Travel Council for that ^ gem!)

Take Action & Make a Positive Impact

None of this really matters unless we use all that we learn and experience to create change in our own lives, in the community around us, and in the world. A nice framework for this Positive Impact are the 4 Ps:

Personal (changes in our own life)
Places (cultural & economic sustainability of destinations)
People (benefits to people in our local communities)
Planet (mindfully, consciously protecting Mother Earth)

Our Energy—Work—Love Worksheet (found in the Travel Better > Live Better Toolkit) is a handy little tool for identifying 1–2 small actions you can take when you get home that will have a BIG impact on your life and those around you!

Continue Your Journey of Learning & Growth

For those looking for additional support on your Journey of learning and growth, we’ve partnered with a diverse team of life, career, and relationship coaches and experts to give you the opportunity to work 1:1 with them before, during, and/or after your Journey. From helping you get into shape for your adventure ahead to working with you to implement small but powerful changes in your life once you get home, these coaches can help you turn a great trip into a truly life-changing travel experience!

Ready for Your Next Great Adventure?